Responsible collection - EOS France
Top view of a stack papers and a smartphone.

Responsible collection

EOS stands for respectful and fair treatment of consumers and for solution-driven, sustained debt relief.
CSR overview

Fair solutions for sustainable debt reduction

(Ethical Collections by Treating Customers Fairly)

We develop fair payment plans and individual solutions for consumers who are facing particular challenges due to their personal circumstances. As a result, we were able to successfully close five million cases of debt in 2022/23 alone.

For us, respectful interaction with defaulting consumers is crucial. This is why in 2023, we introduced a group-wide policy that requires our staff, among other things, to use easy-to-understand language and be tactful. In addition, thanks to technological innovations like service portals and chatbots, we are enabling consumers to manage their payments without direct contact. In 2022/23, as many as 61 percent of consumers were taking advantage of this option. We are constantly improving these services with the help of feedback e.g. from questionnaires.
Un homme scanne un code QR sur une lettre de EOS avec son smartphone pour régler sa créance ouverte en ligne sur le Portail EOS.

Changing finances for the better with technology

(Tech-driven Transformation & Innovation)

We want to offer customers and consumers a fully digital process group-wide. In this context, robots, data analyses and artificial intelligence help us tailor our offering to their needs. Examples of this are individual payment plans or approaching the consumer using the channel most suitable for them personally. The keystone of our work is the international collection system Kollecto+, which ensures an efficient process and has already been implemented in eight EOS countries.
View of a smartphone on which a chatbot is displayed.

FIGEC membership

EOS France is a member and administrator of the FIGEC (French National Federation of Business Information, Debt Collection and Civil Investigation -, the biggest association for professionals working in debt collection in France whose role is to ensure that ethical practices are complied with. Nathalie Lameyre, the CEO of EOS France, is the association’s honorary president.
logo of figec

Satisfaction survey for debtors

As part of its improvement process, EOS France conducts a quarterly survey to assess the quality of its services and the level of satisfaction of the debtors The survey looks at overall satisfaction, the quality of communication tools, and the quality of collection services. Respondents who state that they are dissatisfied can be contacted by EOS France advisers if they wish.
Woman holding smartphone while typing on laptop.

Operational training

New debt collection staff members at EOS France are trained and supported by a dedicated internal Operational Training team. This team includes trainers at each site who have robust experience in the field. The training package includes:

  • Onboarding training lasting one to two weeks, with theoretical workshops to help understand the stakes of the job, alongside more practical workshops and shadowing sessions.
  • Regulatory training with a focus on various internal guidelines given during the first days of onboarding training and then by way of e-learning modules over the following two months.
  • Continuous training over 12 months, to increase confidence and skill-building when starting the job. New staff members receive individual follow-up with analyses of recordings and training modules.
All of this is part of the compulsory training pathway given by EOS France.
EOS employee explains something to a colleague

Ethical collection

EOS France is committed to responsible collection practices and promotes an approach tailored to the specific needs and circumstances of each individual.

Accordingly, categories of “vulnerable” debtors have been identified so that EOS France advisers can offer them solutions tailored to their circumstances, such as adjusted repayments, breaks in repayments for set periods, etc.

As part of the drive for responsible collection, a compulsory internal e-learning module on financial inclusion and over-indebtedness has been given since 2022.
pot, president, suit, teacher, room