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Euler Hermes Rating, qui compte parmi les principales agences de notation financière en Europe, a octroyé de nouveau la note de A à EOS Holding. La stabilité de son bénéfice et la solidité de sa structure capitalistique ont convaincu les analystes pour la seizième fois d’affilée. Avec cette note, le Groupe confirme sa solide expérience dans la valorisation et le rachat de portefeuilles de créances, et le recouvrement de créances douteuses. L’entreprise consolide ainsi sa position de leader sur le marché allemand et sa place de choix sur le marché européen.

Cette note est une marque de confiance pour le Groupe. Malgré la crise du coronavirus, Euler Hermes estime que le risque de défaut du Groupe EOS est faible. Même si le chiffre d’affaires et le bénéfice de l’entreprise pourraient accuser une baisse à court et moyen termes, les analystes de l’agence de notation tablent à nouveau sur un solide bénéfice à long terme.

Des investissements durables à grande échelle

Au cours de ces dernières années, les activités d’investisseur financier du Groupe EOS n’ont cessé de progresser. Dans certains pays, l’entreprise est leader sur le marché de l’acquisition de créances. Au cours de l’exercice 2019/2020, EOS a investi 651,3 millions d’euros dans les créances garanties et non garanties ainsi que dans les créances immobilières.

« Nous entendons investir massivement et durablement dans des portefeuilles de créances au cours des prochaines années, » explique Justus Hecking-Veltman, CFO du groupe EOS. « Dans ce contexte, il importe de répartir les risques sur plusieurs pays. Bien entendu, nous ne remportons pas tous les portefeuilles avec nos modèles d’évaluation. Sur certains marchés, le succès n’est pas toujours au rendez-vous depuis un certain temps. Mais nous gardons le cap fixé : c’est ce qui fait et fera de nous une entreprise stable, performante et fiable. »

À propos du groupe EOS

Porté par l’innovation technologique, le Groupe EOS est un acteur majeur dans le domaine des investissements financiers et un expert reconnu du recouvrement de créances. L’acquisition de portefeuilles de créances garanties et non garanties constitue le cœur de métier de l’entreprise. Fort d’une expérience de plus de 40 ans, EOS offre des services de gestion de créances pour 20 000 clients, répartis dans 26 pays dans le monde. Le Groupe opère principalement dans les secteurs bancaires, immobiliers, fournisseurs d’énergie ou de téléphonie et le commerce en ligne. EOS, qui compte un effectif de plus 7 500 salariés, est une entité du Groupe Otto.

Pour plus d’informations sur le Groupe EOS

  • Significant increase: revenue and EBT at record levels
  • Purchase of secured receivables a growth segment
  • Investment in smart data solutions and artificial intelligence

Hamburg, Germany, 16 July 2018 – The Hamburg-based EOS Consolidated has performed exceptionally well in the financial year 2017/18. At EUR 271.5 million, its earnings before tax (EBT) were 39 percent up on the previous year. EOS also increased its revenue substantially to EUR 795 million, an increase of 19.8 percent compared with the previous year. Because EOS has changed its fiscal year end date throughout the entire Group to 28 February, 30 companies in Western and Eastern Europe contributed an additional two months of results to the overall sales performance.

“Once again, we have held our ground in a very competitive environment,” says Klaus Engberding, CEO of the EOS Group. Price pressure had increased enormously in the receivables purchasing segment in particular, also as a result of cash-rich investors from outside the sector. “For us, the purchase of non-performing debts continues to be an essential segment. In the past year we have demonstrated this successfully yet again.” In this context EOS will be focusing even more strongly in the future on the acquisition of mortgage-backed debt packages.

What success means for EOS

“For me, an excellent operating result means much more than EBT and an increase in revenue: I am talking about the progress we are making with digitalization and cultural change,” says Engberding. “What is paramount for me is how we work together at EOS and develop ideas.” And in this respect EOS has come a long way. This is evident, for example, in the development and use of new technologies, with a particular emphasis on smart data and artificial intelligence. “The systematic use of relevant, pseudonymized data is a crucial tool for evaluating and processing debt packages and therefore ensures our competitiveness,” explains Engberding. By taking this approach EOS is exploiting the opportunity to invest in new asset classes as well as in debt portfolios in countries where EOS is not represented. The use of advanced analytics benefits EOS customers and their customers alike. “By adapting the recovery process individually to each late payer, we can quickly find a satisfactory solution for all parties.”

Results in the regions

In Germany, revenue increased by 7.2 percent over the previous year to EUR 327.5 million. This means that Germany remains the most important regional market, with 46 percent of consolidated sales.

With a growth in sales of 46.4 percent, the Western Europe region has once again achieved an outstanding result. EOS generated total sales of EUR 240.4 million in this region. One reason for this is the satisfying business performance in France, Belgium, Spain and Switzerland.

At EUR 183.2 million, Eastern Europe earned its highest revenue to date in the history of the EOS Consolidated and was able to outperform the already excellent level of the previous year by 39.4 percent. This growth was fueled in particular by the much higher revenue from the purchase of receivables in Croatia and Hungary.

In the North America region revenue was lower than the previous year, because in the USA the contract to process government-issued student loans expired at the beginning of the fiscal year.


The EOS Group

The EOS Group is one of the leading international providers of customized financial services. As a specialist in the evaluation and processing of receivables EOS deploys new technologies to offer its some 20,000 customers in 26 countries financial security through smart services. The company's core business is the purchase of unsecured and secured debt portfolios. Working within an international network of partner companies, the EOS Group has a workforce of around 7,500 and more than 60 subsidiaries, so it can access resources in more than 180 countries. Its key target sectors are banking, utilities, real estate and e-commerce.

For more information please visit:


Hamburg, 10 July 2018 – Outstanding performance confirmed. For the 14th time in succession, EOS Holding has once again been given an ‘A’ rating by credit rating agency Euler Hermes Rating, providing renewed confirmation that the debt collection specialist enjoys a good credit standing. The auditors emphasized the company's market leadership in Germany and its strong market position in Western and Eastern Europe. The rating was also the result of the company's longstanding experience in processing non-performing receivables and in receivables purchasing.

“In the last financial year we have invested EUR 0.5 billion in receivables,” says Justus Hecking-Veltman, Member of the EOS Group’s Board of Directors and CFO. This shows how important this business segment continues to be for the EOS Group. “The acquisition of secured debt portfolios in particular is an attractive growth market for us,” explains Hecking-Veltman. This is also evident from the auditors' report, because this year Euler Hermes Rating specifically praised the company's ongoing expansion of expertise in real estate evaluation, development and realization. “We are now active in this business segment in eleven European countries and plan to expand into others.”

As a result, the auditors attested that EOS represents a low financial risk due to its very stable cash flow situation and continually high and consistent earnings level.

The EOS Group 
The EOS Group is one of the leading international providers of customized financial services. Its main focus is on receivables management, in particular the three segments fiduciary collection, receivables purchasing and business process outsourcing. With its workforce of around 7,000 and more than 55 subsidiaries, EOS offers some 20,000 customers in 26 countries around the world financial security through customized services in the B2C and B2B segments. Working in an international network of partner companies, the EOS Group has resources in more than 180 countries. The company's key target sectors are banking, insurance, utilities, telecommunications, the public sector, real estate and e-commerce.
For more information please go to:

Hamburg, 29.05.2018 - The EOS Group is planning to sell Hamburg-based Health AG and Zahnärztekasse AG, which is located in Switzerland. The companies, both of which have a strong position in the market, offer potential buyers the ideal conditions for establishing a pan-European platform in dental factoring. In addition, the innovative practice management software "Hēa" will enable the development of new markets.

'Our two companies are operating in future markets – healthcare and technology', says Klaus Engberding, CEO of EOS. 'To tap into additional business segments and new markets in the health sector we are now seeking the most suitable future owner to actively support the companies during their next growth phases.' With a factoring volume of around EUR 1 billion, Health AG and Zahnärztekasse AG, together, generate sales in the mid double-digit million Euro range.

Sale by auction
Health AG and Zahnärztekasse AG will be offered for sale together. The sale will be managed by means of a structured auction procedure and potential investors will be approached as of June 2018. Interested parties can submit a non-binding offer by the beginning of September. The completion of the transaction is planned for February 2019. In the past, strategic buyers and financial investors have shown great interest in Health AG and Zahnärztekasse AG. EOS has engaged investment bank Lazard (Frankfurt branch) to ensure an efficient sale process.

Health AG
Health AG, consisting of EOS Health Honorarmanagement AG and EOS Health IT-Concept GmbH, is a provider of financial and IT services for the health market. With more than 2000 customers it is one of the market leaders in German dental factoring. Moreover, thanks to its recently introduced practice management software Hēa, the company is now a frontrunner in the e-health segment: Hēa digitises, networks and simplifies all processes for the web-based management of dental practices with a focus on billing. Since its establishment in 2005, the company has evolved from a factoring start-up to an independent company providing financial and technology services.

Zahnärztekasse AG
Zahnärztekasse AG is a financial services provider in the health sector and with 1000 customers has become the market leader in the Swiss dental factoring segment. Its customised and modular based services, combined with an efficient IT infrastructure, relieves medical practice teams of administrative tasks and secures the liquidity of its clients. Since its foundation in 1963 the company has become established as a reliable partner to Swiss dentists.

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fischerAppelt, relations GmbH
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Majority of EU companies associate new European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) with even more data security in the receivables management segment / Companies report extra work above all in administrative and HR areas / More than 10 percent of EU companies not familiar with GDPR

Hamburg, 22 May 2018 – Europe’s companies generally have a positive attitude to the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), despite the extra work involved. This is because more than two thirds (69 percent) of all European companies that rate the new regulation as relevant to them will benefit from greater data security in receivables management. This applies in particular to Spanish and Danish companies (each 78 percent); in Germany, on the other hand, the figure is 71 percent. These results were the outcome of a special analysis by the EOS Group on the impact of the new regulation in Europe. The survey polled 3,000 companies in 15 European countries. The analysis is part of the EOS Survey ‘European Payment Practices' 2018 conducted by independent market research institute Kantar TNS.

GDPR: Only just over half of EU companies considers it relevant
‘The special analysis shows how important data security and data protection are for European companies,’ explains Kirsten Pedd, Chief Compliance Officer and Chief General Counsel of the EOS Group in Germany. ‘Nevertheless there are still companies that are not familiar with the GDPR at all. There is a risk that the regulation is being taken lightly.’ The EOS analysis shows that 11 percent of the EU companies polled have not known about the GDPR so far. A quarter of the companies surveyed (25 percent) are familiar with the regulation but think it is not very relevant or not relevant at all to their own business. Only just over half (57 percent) of companies polled consider the new regulation to be relevant to them.

Extra work throughout Europe - espacially in the administrative and HR areas
The 57 percent of EU companies that recognise that the GDPR is relevant to them also report that there is extra work involved, primarily affecting administration. As well as an increase in documentation obligations, around two thirds (69 percent) of companies say that there is more bureaucracy as a result of implementing the regulation and an increase in information obligations (65 percent). More than half of the companies (55 percent) also report an increase in the need for personnel resources. A total of 26 percent of companies even state that the GDPR could jeopardise their business model.

Receivables management: companies well prepared
‘Although most experts for receivables management are prepared for the extra work that may be involved, they clearly associate the GDPR with more data security and data protection,’ concludes Kirsten Pedd. ‘Thanks to this clear awareness, companies are well prepared for the implementation of the regulation.’

The GDPR applies to all EU companies from 25 May
The GDPR is a regulation of the European Union that affects private companies and public bodies. The regulation has been in force since 25 May 2016, but all EU countries have to implement it from 25 May 2018. The objective of the regulation is to protect personal data within the EU and ensure free movement of data within the EU single market.

About the EOS survey ‘European Payment Practices’ 2018
In the spring of 2018, in partnership with independent market research institute Kantar TNS (formerly TNS Infratest), EOS surveyed 3,400 companies with a minimum of 20 staff and an annual turnover of at least €5 million about prevailing local payment practices, economic developments in their countries, and issues relating to risk and receivables management. The results presented here are part of a special analysis of the survey of 3,000 companies from 15 EU countries: Germany, UK, Spain, France, Belgium, Austria, Romania, Czech Republic, Croatia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Slovenia, Poland and Greece.

The EOS Group
The EOS Group is one of the leading international providers of customised financial services. Its main focus is on receivables management covering three key business segments: fiduciary collection, debt purchase and business process outsourcing. With around 7,000 employees and more than 55 subsidiaries, EOS offers some 20,000 clients in 26 countries around the world financial security with tailored services in the B2C and B2B segments. Being connected to an international network of partner companies, the EOS Group has access to resources in more than 180 countries. Its key target sectors are banking, utilities and telecommunications, along with the public sector, real estate, mail order and e-commerce. For more information please visit: